If you're feeling tired, bloated or have skin concerns, these common culprits might be the problem. Chances are you eat them every day.
Inflammation is raising alarm bells in the health world at the moment, and for good reason. Chronic inflammation is being increasingly linked to a myriad of health concerns.
The foods we consume can play a major role in both preventing and exacerbating inflammation.
“Research is beginning to show that inflammation starts in the gut, as a result of poor gut health. Improving the health of your digestive system is imperative when it comes to managing and preventing inflammation,” says Chloe McLeod, accredited dietician and author of Anti-Inflammatory Eating.
While it is believed a Mediterranean-style diet can inhibit inflammation, there is a lot of contention surrounding which foods exacerbate it. In most cases, every individual is different and must listen to their own body. If you think something is giving you grief, try eliminating that food for two weeks, and then reintroduce it into your diet to see how you respond. While the foods that upset one person might not affect another, a few common culprits keep rearing their head.