Paper & Diamond curates luxury experiential travel, highly sought-after wellness retreats, and unparalleled celebrations for life’s milestones. We believe a change in physical location is the catalyst to spark change in consciousness and redirect our lives’ paths towards a more deeply fulfilling way of existing. It is our passion to illuminate these profoundly rewarding journeys of insight and awakening for our clients.
Mindful eating can help you get in touch with your body's signals. Paying attention to the full experience of eating and drinking and truly enjoying the process can help you tune in to not only your hunger signals, but also to how certain foods contribute to your energy.
Here's how to eat mindfully:
1. Why are you eating?
Ask yourself why you are eating. Are you eating because you're hungry? Or because you're tired, angry or emotional? Tuning into these signals can bring eating back to its core function: to fuel your body.
2. Be present
Disconnect from your technology as you sit at the table. Tune into the enjoyment of your meal and be fully present in your interactions. Set the intention to connect, share, and listen!
3. Pay Attention
Chew your food properly. Stop eating when you feel full. Savor each bite and really notice each flavor and texture. Pay attention to how each food makes you feel. Does it energize you or make you feel weighed down?
4. Express Gratitude
Take time before each meal to express gratitude for the food on your plate and for the people and systems that allowed it to arrive there.
5. Make and grow your own food
Making your own food or growing produce in the garden helps you connect to where your food comes from. It can also help you cultivate an appreciation for the meal and how it is engaging with your body.
This is an excerpt from my ebook Energize
Inflammation is your body's natural response to harm. When your body is constantly on alert, it can cause major problems, which may eventually lead to chronic disease. Inflammation can be caused by a variety of things, one of which is food. Doing even a one day detox from inflammatory foods can help ease the response in your body and can support longevity and health. Doing mini-detoxes may also help you to reset your habits, allowing you to cultivate sustained healthy eating habits.
Remove Inflammatory Foods
Try avoiding inflammatory foods for just one day and simply notice how you feel. Foods that are thought to cause inflammation in the body include: dairy, gluten, alcohol, sugar, soy, corn, nightshade vegetables and anything fried or processed.
Eat & Drink Your Veggies
Eating a diet full of antioxidant rich vegetables and fruits will help your body fight off inflammation. The fiber content of raw vegetables will help your body rid itself of toxins and cold-pressed vegetable juices will infuse your body with a concentrated dose of nutrients.
Drink More Water
Hydration is the key to health. Try to drink 2 liters to a gallon of water each day to flush toxins out of your body. Drinking a lot of water may also ease any intense cravings that may arise from foods that you might have an unhealthy connection to, such as sugar.
Even a short session of exercise has been shown to decrease inflammation in your body. While detoxing from anti-inflammatory foods, stick to light exercise like yoga and walking as intense exercise may actually cause more inflammation in the body.
Sleep is an often overlooked component of detoxification. Ample sleep is required for our brains and bodies to properly repair and for our digestion to get a rest each day. I would suggest shooting for at least 8 hours a night.
Practicing deep breathing, either during meditation or otherwise helps our lungs to rid themselves of toxins and to deliver fresh oxygen throughout the body.
Constant stress can reduce the body's ability to manage inflammation. Take 30 minutes each day to engage in an activity that reduces stress, such as meditation, journaling, taking a long bath and more.
This is an excerpt from my ebook Daily Detox: Practices for a Vibrant Life
Happy Holidays, my loves! Find everything you need for your health obsessed loved ones in my holiday gift guide xo Claire
1. Claire Grieve Energize Ebook 2. Vitamix 3. Sakara 10-Day Reset use code XOCLAIREG for 20% new customers 4. Molekule Air Purifier Mini 5. Hurom Slow Juicer 6. Stainless Steel Non-Stick Cookware Set
Makes 2 bowls
1 cup of frozen pineapple
1 avocado
1 cup of spinach
1 cup of romaine
1/2 cucumber
1/2 lemon, squeezed
1 tbsp ginger, chopped
1 scoop vanilla plant protein
1 tsp matcha green tea
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1) Blend all ingredients until smooth. Add ice for extra thickness.
2) Garnish with pomegranate, coconut shreds, goji berries and bee pollen.
Tip: Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that aids in digestion.
These Matcha Coconut Bliss Balls are absolutely divine. They are the perfect substitute for sugary desserts and will energize you in a much healthier way. Matcha is packed with health benefits. It contains antioxidants like chlorophyll, boosts your metabolism naturally, enhances mood and calms your mind and body. For more plant-based energizing recipes, check out my new ebook ENERGIZE.
Makes 12-15 balls
1 1/2 cups dried unsweetened finely shredded coconut
1/3 cup almond meal
2 tbsp coconut nectar or 2 tbsp melted coconut butter for keto
2 tbsp melted coconut oil
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp pink salt
1 tsp high quality matcha powder
add 1 scoop vanilla plant protein powder
if keto, you can add a drop of stevia for sweetness
1) Add all ingredients into a high powered blender or food processor. Blend until smooth.
2) Add a little extra coconut oil if necessary
Roll the mixture into bite size balls, coating them in coconut/matcha as you go.
3) Store in the refrigerator.
4) Enjoy!
To store:
1) Keep in airtight container and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks.
2) Store in freezer for up to 1 month.
To serve:
1) Let the refrigerated balls sit at room temperature for at least 10 minutes to soften.
The heart shakra sits at the centre of our chests (yep, right next to your heart). In ancient sanskrit, an open heart shakra meant to be “unhurt, unstuck or unbeaten”.
In today’s world, a balanced heart chakra can mean more love, both passionate and compassionate. A blocked heart shakra can lead to loneliness, jealousy, anger or hurt. A blocked shakra is also thought to cause sickness in the chest area (like breast cancer).
Here are some yoga poses that will help you open up your heart’s energy channels and invite love into your life.
This delicious smoothie recipe is packed full of delicious superfoods that will not only help boost your libido and get your endorphins flowing, but is also a healthy option for every other day, too!
As you probably know, practicing yoga elicits many benefits for the body, mind and soul. One of it’s lesser known benefits, is its ability to help you heat up the passion in the bedroom.
Yoga can truly boost your sex life in amazing ways. For starters, a regular yoga practice helps you become more aware of your body, which can heighten sensation during sex. Practice breathing in the bedroom as you would on your mat and you will be amazed at the increased depth of feeling and emotion.
Furthermore, as your body becomes stronger and more toned, you will likely become more confident of your body, especially when naked. Lastly, as you become more flexible, you can start to add more and more poses to your sexual repertoire.
So, what you waiting for? Head to your yoga mat and start working through this sex-boosting yoga sequence to spice things up in the bedroom.
1. Drink lots and lots of water. Hydration is crucial for beautiful skin, make sure you're getting in at least 8 glasses of filtered alkaline water every single day.
2. Probiotics. Gut health is really important for getting and maintaining glowing skin. If your gut microbiome is out of balance, you can experience inflammation and an overgrowth of bad bacteria, which can both lead to skin outbreaks, redness and swelling.
4. Eat the rainbow. Fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants which will help rid your body of toxins caused by everyday living. The more colorful your diet, the better.
5. Detox. Swear off of meat, sugar, dairy and alcohol for a week and watch your skin glow by the minute.
6. Sweat. Working up a sweat helps your skin detox and also helps your body circulate oxygen and important nutrients.
7. Sleep. Beauty sleep is real! While you sleep your skin is regenerating itself. Make sure to get at least 8 hours of undisturbed sleep.
Sleep is so, so important. Not just during the short chaotic days of the holidays, but all the time. We need at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night to help our bodies and minds stay healthy. During the holidays, I love to get in a lot of extra sleep - sometimes I sleep 14 hours in a night!
Sleep has so many amazing benefits including:
Stress reduction - sleep will lower your cortisol levels.
Weight control - if you find yourself lacking in sleep, it can slow down your metabolism in a major way.
Mood regulation - if you're not getting enough sleep, you may fall victim to depression or anxiety.
Beauty - beauty sleep is a really thing! Getting enough sleep will keep your skin glowing and eliminate dark, puffy circles.
Here are a few ways that you can make sure to get a good night's sleep:
Eat dinner early - eat dinner early on in the evening to give your body time to digest before you head to bed.
Don't drink caffeine after 3pm - even late afternoon caffeine can ruin your restful shut eye. Try to hold off of caffeinated drinks later in the day.
Don't exercise late at night - the buzz from endorphins after a workout will keep you stimulated for awhile. Try to get your classes in earlier in the day.
Switch off from technology - I like to turn off my phone and computer a full hour before heading to bed. Pick up a novel or take a soothing bath instead of vegging in front of the tv.
Cup of relaxing herbal tea - a warm cup of chamomile tea will help set the mood for a calm and restful sleep.
Take a bath - a soothing bath with some aromatherapy salts will help you melt away any tension built up in your body.
Meditate - meditating before bedtime can help you disconnect from your worries and stresses and will help you enter into sleep on a whole new level.
This delicious vegan chocolate bark makes the perfect treat for the holidays. Not only is it delicious, it is also packed with superfoods, high quality plant protein and holiday joy. Enjoy!
Cook time 5 mins
- 8oz Vegan Dark Chocolate
- 8oz Vegan White Chocolate
- 1 Scoop 22 Days Nutrition Chocolate Protein Powder
- 1 Scoop 22 Days Nutrition Vanilla Protein Powder
- 1/3 Cup pistachios (sub any nuts)
- 1/3 Cup cranberries (sub any fruit/seed)
- Line a baking tray with cooking paper
- Combine dark chocolate and protein powder stir and melt stove. Do the same with white chocolate.
- Spread dark chocolate over backing tray.
- Pour white chocolate over dark and use a fork to spread and create marble effect.
- Sprinkle with pistachios and cranberries and freeze for 30 minutes. Enjoy!!
Nothing says holiday cheer like a Yam Pie! Not all pies are created equal, this is my special recipe for a healthier version of this all-time favorite. Not only is my recipe for Yam Pie vegan and gluten-free, I've also used a scoop of 22 Days protein powder to add a healthful dose of plant protein. I top mine with coconut whip cream to make it extra tasty.
- 6 Steamed and peeled sweet potatoes
- 2 Tbsp egg substitue mixed with water
- 2 Scoops @22daysnutrition Vanilla Protein Powder
- 2 Handfuls Gluten Free Rolled Oats
- 4 tbsp Maple Syrup (any sweetener date/agave)
- 1/2 Cup Almond Milk
- Blend all ingredients together in high speed blender until smooth
- Pour into gluten-free pie crust
- Bake in oven on 350 for 1 hour
- Let Cool. Top with Coconut Whip and mint leaves.
It is so easy to fall into temptation over the holidays, but that doesn’t mean you have to let it get the best of you. By making mindful choices, this can be your healthiest holiday season yet. Why not get through the next couple of months feeling healthy and well, so you can finally leave losing weight off of your New Year’s Resolutions list. I've put together 7 Mindful Eating Tips for the Holidays for my friends at plant-based nutrition leader, 22 Days.
Everybody needs a little sweetness in their life, especially this time of year. I absolutely love my friend Melissa Wood's Cinnamon Hazelnut Avocado Mousse because it looks and tastes super decadent, but is actually really healthy. Not only is this delicious mousse vegan, it is also packed with superfoods and my absolute favorite food - avocados!
For more delicious recipes and to check out Melissa's popular 'In the Flow' workout,
Cinnamon Hazelnut Avocado Mousse
- 2 1/2 cups unsweetened coconut milk6 ripe avocados
- 2 ripe bananas
- 3 tbsp raw cacao (not cocoa) powder
- 5 tbsp coconut sugar5 tbsp maple syrup
- 3 tsp vanilla bean extract
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 cup hazelnuts
- 2 cups raspberries
- Preheat toaster oven to 350 degrees for 4 minutes and add rinsed and dried hazelnuts for 4 minute or until they start to turn light brown.
- While the hazelnuts are toasting add 2 1/2 cups of coconut milk to vitamix.
- Scoop out the avocados and add to blender with 2 ripe peeled bananas.
- Add coconut sugar, maple syrup, vanilla bean extract, and cinnamon all to the blender and blend for 40 seconds until smooth. Add more coconut milk if necessary.
- Take hazelnuts out of the toaster and rinse raspberries.
- Scoop out all the avocado mousse from the blender into a medium size bowl and top with hazelnuts down the center and raspberries on both sides.
- Optional sprinkle a dash of cinnamon and maple syrup over the top as a final touch.
1. Clean up your diet and eat more plants pre-vacation so you can indulge guilt-free while traveling.
2. Take your vitamins to boost your immune system from winter travel germs. Don't forget to pack your hand sanitizer!
3. Pack healthy snacks like nuts, fruits, veggies, protein bars, almond butter packs and skip processed airport foods.
4. Hydrate drink lots of water to escape travel dehydration and jet lag. Bonus - add lemon to your water to help cleanse and detoxify.
5. Meditate in your seat. Try a guided meditation tape to switch off from your surroundings while your en route to your vacation destination.
6. Catch up on sleep. Use your travel time to catch up on extra Zzz's. Sleep in, take naps and don't set your alarm clock for the entire trip.
7. Find your endorphins with mellow workouts like restorative yoga, pilates, hiking and beach walks.
Self care is all the rage these days and for good reason. Our lives can be so busy and chaotic and if we don't take the time to relax and restore whether it be through meditation or restorative yoga or a spa day, it is possible to burn out or get stuck in a stressed and unhealthy cycle. Below are my favorite gifts for the men and women in your life who need some luscious R & R.
Meditation Pillows
Brentwood Home Crystal Cove Meditation Cushion. I spotted these meditation cushions from Brentwood Home at Yoga Works recently and immediately fell in love.
ABC Home also sells beautifully constructed Meditation sets:
Next Level Yoga Mats
Some time all you need to relax is a little time on the mat. A beautiful yoga mat can make it easier to make practice a habit.
Restorative Props
Props can help deepen your stretches and restorative poses. Here are a few favorites that my clients love:
Teas & Superfoods
Sipping on some calming tea or a super food blend can help get you in the restorative mood.
- Mountain Rose Herb teas
- Spirit Dust® - an adaptogenic blend of uplifting superherbs and supermushrooms that help combat the effects of stress.
Relaxing scents like lavender, ylang ylang and jasmine can help get you into a relaxed mood. I love this diffuser and oils from Saje.
Bath & Spa
Taking a bath is one of the best and easiest ways to decompress. I love using natural aromatherapy infused bath salts to help deepen the moment.
Journaling is a great way to release the tensions of the day.
This spectacular journal from Elena Brower can help you find your inner you.
The following is a guest blog post from internationally known yoga specialist, Claire Grieve.
If you are anything like 99.9% of humans, finding time for yourself can be closely compared to finding a needle in a haystack—impossible. Life seems to always find a way to continuously shove obstacles in your path to self-righteousness.
In celebration of our 47th Earth Day, we all need to put life on pause to take a moment and appreciate the world around us. Yes, that means literally stop and smell the roses. What better way to honor Earth day then to connect with mother nature by engaging mindfulness into our daily lives. Practicing mindfulness is imperative to our personal prosperity, a few moments of mental tranquility a day may just be the key to happiness.
Integrate these 7 simple yet life-changing techniques to become more “mindful” everyday.
The powers of gratitude extend beyond a short “thank you”. Gratitude is something you feel, to feel grateful for the good and the bad, the big or small details of daily life. It’s simple, if you project gratitude, you will see a giving world in return. Be sure to radiate gratefulness within yourself and toward others to live a long happy life!
You can integrate gratitude into everyday life by keeping a daily journal. Write down at least 3 things you’re grateful for that you experienced throughout the day. An event, a person, an emotional you felt, something you experienced that made you happy. Gratitude helps you to be aware of each moment you experience therefore keeping you more present.
Breathing can be categorized as one of the most effortless and repetitive of our daily human actions. It can also be one of the most mentally rehabilitating. Conscious breathing exercises can work wonders for your mind and body. According to the internationally recognized, Andrew Weil, M.D., “Practicing regular, mindful breathing can be calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders.”
Mindful breathing can be done anytime and anywhere as long as you are able to focus on your breathing patterns. Your full attention should be on every inhale and exhale, closing your eyes or softening your gaze. If your mind wanders, bring your focus back to your breath. Do this as many times a day as necessary, especially during high stress situations.
Meditation is quickly becoming a buzzword. Most of us feel like we don't have five minutes to sit down and relax which gives us even more reason to find our inner calm. Throughout our lifetime, it’s very rare we take the time to give our mind a little break. We push our minds daily with thought after thought, creating tension, anxiety, and restlessness. With so much daily pressure it’s crucial we take the time to revitalize our mind’s awareness by giving our brains a daily break of absolutely nothing. Doing so will prompt your brain to restart with a clean slate and a more productive mindset.
The Buddhists figured this out long ago. It’s imperative that we implement their meditation techniques into our modern-day lives and regular routines. The Huffington Post reported that mindfulness meditation can lower stress, change the brain in a protective way, and help you sleep better among many other benefits.
Try using an app to help with your meditation practice. Headspace, is meditation made simple. A personal trainer for your mind will guide you through 10 minutes of mindfulness on your journey to a healthier mind. Learning to be present through meditation helps you to experience greater clarity, calm and focus in everyday life.
Increase Your Awareness & Engage Senses
Encourage yourself to take a short walk daily and focus your attention solely on the natural beauty our environment is made up of. Walking alone is extremely fortifying, it has been known to strengthen your heart, lowers disease risks, and is proven to make you happy.
During your walk, be sure to embrace all your senses by narrowing in on each smell, sight, sensation, and sound. Take in mother nature’s glory around you, be present and experience each moment as it is. Feel the tickling warmth of sunshine on your face, let the aromatic scent of fresh flowers steal you away as the crisp wind blows through your hair. A walk can be a truly entrancing experience.
Use this time to disconnect from all your devices and be one with nature. It has been shown to bring about positive emotions, and activate our parasympathetic nervous system, which calms and restores us. Earth is our home, it’s time we fuse the endless benefits of mindfulness and connect with mother nature.
We are all guilty of rushing through our lunch break. Mealtimes are an important tool to include in our mindfulness practice. Take the time to engulf yourself in every burst of flavor each mouthwatering bite provides. Mealtime should never be rushed, if done properly, food can feed the mind, body, and soul. It can activate your senses and awaken your mind.
Do yourself a favor and try to have one meal a day in a quiet and serene area, be present and focused as you unhurriedly and peacefully enjoy your food. Be sure to stay off your cell phones. That way, we become more mindful to our senses and eating only what we need to satisfy us. You will start to notice and enjoy smells, textures and tasting flavors you’ve never experienced, bringing joy into every bite. The positivity is guaranteed to follow you into every aspect of your life.
Wake up well
Most of us are guilty of waking up to our irking iPhone alarm, checking emails and Instagram notifications before quickly jumping out of bed. Well it’s time to try something a little different. First things first, set an old-school alarm! Change the alarm tone to a more soothing, blissful sound. Set it for at least 30 minutes earlier than usual, this will allow you to take your time to wake-up mindfully thus peacefully. Be sure to feel your body wake up, wiggle your fingers and toes, stretch your arms and legs, take a few big inhales and exhales and set a positive mindset to start the day.
Take some time to make yourself hot water with lemon or head to your yoga mat to get your body moving with a few rounds of sun salutations and meditation. You can also casually forget your cell phone at home while you take a refreshing morning walk, it’s a great way to clear your head. Whichever approach you chose to cure your Monday morning blues, let yourself begin the day inspired. This simple tweak will cultivate positive energy and gratitude the rest of your day and your life.
Last on the list and unfortunately many times in life is making time for self-love. It is necessary to put yourself first and incorporate a bit of selfishness into your every day life. Self-love can come in any form, from putting together a killer outfit that makes you feel invincible to making life-long dream a reality. As long as you are doing it all for yourself. As Buddha once said, “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”
It’s no secret loving yourself is much easier said than done. Start off by finding simple ways to love and care for yourself. You can make little changes like giving yourself a full eight hours of rest a night or planning a spa day once a month. Then begin eliminating time wasted watching TV or using the internet and spend quality time getting to know yourself by reading a book. Most importantly live intentionally and with a purpose by becoming mindful in all facets of life.
About the Author
Claire Grieve is a highly sought after international Yoga specialist, Stretch therapist, Health Coach and Wellness Writer. Claire’s mission is to inspire individuals to reach beyond the ordinary and step outside the comfort zone. She is determined to empower her students from all walks of life to push past their boundaries, reach their goals and live a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Yoga serves as her medium to aid others in transcending those boundaries of the mind and body. Claire strongly believes yoga can be self-gratifying, enjoyable, and accessible to everyone.
Connect with Claire on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
The following is a guest blog post from internationally known yoga specialist, Claire Grieve.
Have you ever noticed yogis blissfully walking out off class beaming with self-confidence or as I like to call it “that radiant yoga glow”?
We all want beautiful, soft, youthful skin. Sure, potions and lotions help, but real beauty lies beyond man-made products. Gorgeous skin begins internally. And let’s face it, who doesn't want to feel beautiful from the inside out?
A daily yoga practice can drastically influence and rejuvenate your skin. The physical, mental and emotional balance from yoga works similarly to a regular skincare routine, but better. It will naturally enhance your skin, creating a radiant glow.
Yoga works in various ways to revamp the quality of your skin. It flushes out and eliminates toxins from the body, regulates the digestive system and maintains proper blood circulation through poses and breath work. Many yoga postures rejuvenate and revitalize the body which in turn firm and tighten the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines.
Mindful movements and meditation help to relax the body and reduce stress. Not surprisingly, stress is a huge contributing factor in our skin’s tired and dull aesthetic. Relaxing yin yoga postures also promote restful sleep, lower cortisol levels and boosting collagen bringing back our natural shine and luster.
What’s not to love?
Include these 6 yoga poses to your daily beauty routine to transform your skin, detoxify, increase circulation and reduce stress.
1. Forward Fold – Uttanasana
Forward folds increase oxygen and blood flow to the face. This encourages skin cell renewal and fights free radicals. It keeps your skin looking youthful with a natural glow!
Stand in mountain pose with both feet planted firmly on the ground, hands on your hips. Exhale and slowly fold forward from your hip joints, lengthening the front of your torso. Bend your elbows and hold onto each elbow with opposite hand. Feel free to lightly sway from side-to-side. Hold for 1 minute.
2. Camel Pose – Ustrasana
This pose is a strong back bend that opens the rib cage to increase oxygen flow to the body. It is a key pose for reducing stress and balancing out hormones naturally. It helps to reduce acne and blemish outbreaks.
Begin with your knees on the ground, shoulder-width apart. Tuck your toes under and align your hips over your knees. Rest your hands on the back of your pelvis with your fingers facing down, lengthening the tailbone. Lean and reach back holding onto each heel. Lift through the pelvis, keeping your spine long and turn your arms outwards. Keep your head neutral so you don't strain your neck. Hold for 30 seconds.
3. Twisted Seated Pose – Ardha Matsyendrasana
This twisted pose improves digestive health. However, the secret is not so twisted, it’s very straightforward. It aids the detoxification process by ensuring removal of toxins and waste from the body for healthy gleaming skin.
Start off in a seated pose; legs extended forward, torso tucked, spine long, and shoulder blades drawn towards each other. Then lift and bend the right leg over the left, right foot should be planted flat next to the left thigh. Turn your torso to the right; use your left arm to lightly grasp your right knee. Keep the left arm pressed down firmly behind you.
4. Supported Shoulder Stand – Salamba Sarvangasana
This pose enhances facial radiance by promoting blood circulation toward your face. This helps to reduce fine lines, acne, and blemishes for naturally clearer skin. Perfect for sporting the makeup-free look!
Lie down on your back, completely flat. Then bend your knees and lift your legs off the ground. Place your arms behind your torso, keep them bent and on the ground for support. Then elongate your legs, and let your toes reach for the stars. Make sure you do not overexert yourself and apply too much pressure on your neck, keep it comfortable.
5. Plow Pose – Halasana
This pose works seamlessly towards the end of your routine. It focuses on calming the brain, nerves, and heart while pressurizing the abdomen to relieve digestive organs. It results in maximized beauty rest, improved detoxification, and thankful skin.
Lay down flat on the ground with arms extended parallel to your sides. Keep palms pressed against ground. Then slowly lift your legs and torso upwards using the support of your shoulders, back, and arms. Your toes should ultimately lie just above your head.
6. Corpse Pose – Savasana
Don’t let the morbid name mislead you. This pose will give your skin nothing but life. It may be physically unchallenging but it challenges the mind to enter a state of complete relaxation while your skin reaps the benefits. It’s a huge stress reducer and a great method of meditation.
Lie down flat on your back with your feet spread. Place your arms by your side, palms facing upwards. Relax your shoulders away from your ears, creating space for your neck.
By incorporating these 6 yoga poses into your daily self-care, you’ll not only improve the look of your skin, you’ll also strengthen muscles and relax the mind. It’s a win-win-win!
About the Author
Claire Grieve is a highly sought after international Yoga specialist, Stretch therapist, Health Coach and Wellness Writer. Claire’s mission is to inspire individuals to reach beyond the ordinary and step outside the comfort zone. She is determined to empower her students from all walks of life to push past their boundaries, reach their goals and live a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Yoga serves as her medium to aid others in transcending those boundaries of the mind and body. Claire strongly believes yoga can be self-gratifying, enjoyable, and accessible to everyone.
Connect with Claire on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
All yoga pose photos by Sarah Orbanic, activewear by Varley
Sure, a grippy mat and comfortable, fashionable tights are nonnegotiables when you walk into a yoga studio, but you might not realise that one unique tool could take your practice to the next level. We’re talking about the Dharma Yoga Wheel.
This revolutionary yoga wheel is specifically designed to match the contour of the spine to help stretch and release tension and muscular tightness in the back, chest, shoulders, abdomen and hip flexors. It can make backbends more accessible to beginners, and can even help advanced yogis deepen their pose or loosen up muscle stiffness.
“I’ve been trialling the Dharma Wheel for a few weeks now, and I’m seriously impressed. Not only is it a great tool for opening up my back safely and comfortably, but it’s improved my core strength as well. I normally roll over the top or it or if I want to amp up my practice I’ll even balance on it in a yoga pose,” says Bianca Cheah.
So, if you want to improve your flexibility, release tension, stretch safely or take your practice to the next (challenging!) level, this super cool yoga prop could be for you.